August Bouquet CSA with delivery


In August we are offering 3 weeks of a Summer bouquet CSA with delivery on Friday August 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Flowers you can expect in August include: lisianthus, sunflowers, zinnia, celosia, ageratum, amaranthus, campanula, cosmos, textural grasses, strawflower, marigold, dahlias, rudbeckia, gomphrena and more!

Each Friday during those three designated weeks, we will deliver a lush and full bouquet of our freshest summer flowers. Please see the below zip codes that are eligible for delivery.

Eligible communities included (by name and zip code) are as follows: Poolesville (20837), Dickerson (20842), Beallsville (20839), Barnesville (20838), Darnestown (20874), North Potomac (20878, 20850, 20997), Germantown and Clarksburg(20841, 20871, 20876, 20874, 20875, 20879), Potomac (20854, 20817, 20827, 20859).

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In August we are offering 3 weeks of a Summer bouquet CSA with delivery on Friday August 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Flowers you can expect in August include: lisianthus, sunflowers, zinnia, celosia, ageratum, amaranthus, campanula, cosmos, textural grasses, strawflower, marigold, dahlias, rudbeckia, gomphrena and more!

Each Friday during those three designated weeks, we will deliver a lush and full bouquet of our freshest summer flowers. Please see the below zip codes that are eligible for delivery.

Eligible communities included (by name and zip code) are as follows: Poolesville (20837), Dickerson (20842), Beallsville (20839), Barnesville (20838), Darnestown (20874), North Potomac (20878, 20850, 20997), Germantown and Clarksburg(20841, 20871, 20876, 20874, 20875, 20879), Potomac (20854, 20817, 20827, 20859).

In August we are offering 3 weeks of a Summer bouquet CSA with delivery on Friday August 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Flowers you can expect in August include: lisianthus, sunflowers, zinnia, celosia, ageratum, amaranthus, campanula, cosmos, textural grasses, strawflower, marigold, dahlias, rudbeckia, gomphrena and more!

Each Friday during those three designated weeks, we will deliver a lush and full bouquet of our freshest summer flowers. Please see the below zip codes that are eligible for delivery.

Eligible communities included (by name and zip code) are as follows: Poolesville (20837), Dickerson (20842), Beallsville (20839), Barnesville (20838), Darnestown (20874), North Potomac (20878, 20850, 20997), Germantown and Clarksburg(20841, 20871, 20876, 20874, 20875, 20879), Potomac (20854, 20817, 20827, 20859).